So I almost died last week. OK, not really, but my second bout with kidney stones in 10 years and I was reminded once again how childbirth is NOT THAT BAD. After a few days of recovery, we were then slapped with that amazing bittersweet spring forward. The loss of an hour of blessed sleep combined with months of extended daylight to enjoy all that the world has to offer. Yep, that is just a wicked cruel and beautiful thing. From this week of experience it plays into my ever lengthening list of things that I wonder about. Some are items that I plan to chat with God about when we have time one day - you know, like forever. Others, I just wonder because I was heavily medicated on pain meds or because I am just me. Here are my thoughts out loud. If you wish to answer, than please do so. Otherwise, enjoy.
1. Why do companies that manufacture liquids that pump make the tube that is embedded into the liquid too short leaving several usages of soap, lotion, shampoo, spray bottles of cleaner, or chocolate syrup at Yogurt Mountain sitting at the bottom of the container? Then you have to either decide to chunk it or take the stupid top off and shake the rest of the needed item out only after you have turned the bottle in 9,000 different directions trying to siphon the rest of the liquid through the tube through gravity.
2. How many t-shirts are too many and why can't someone make a white one every once in a while? We have 35 black or navy t-shirts. Don't you people know that most t-shirts are made to be warn in the warm seasons and therefore making a shirt that is not as attractive to the great big ball of fire in the sky would make things slightly easier for those of us with absolutely no tint to our skin pigmentation?
3. Why does the American government still feel like it is necessary to involve ourselves in everyone else's crisis? We have become that girl in the school circles who flits around from clique to clique trying to make people like her by offering unrequested advice to others on how to better their lives.
Some people don't like us. So flitting into their chaos is not going to make them change their minds.
Some people like their way of life. So flitting into their world to tell them we think they need to do it better because our way is better is not going to make them like us.
Some people see us as the pot calling the kettle black..."you're telling us how to fix our economy/government/society/environment?"
4. Why can't I come up with the next big thing? I mean really. Someone came up with erasers shaped like toilets and plungers and 200 of my 225 students a few years back bought them at the school book fair. Rubber bands shaped like random animals, jewelry made out of rubber bands, Christmas tree hooks, etc. I'm thinking, I can't be far from something making a hit.
5. Why do some people wear clothes that they look incredibly uncomfortable in? I know, I know. Some of you are immediately thinking of my stilettos. Please understand that if they were killing me, I would not wear them. It isn't just shoes. Clothing - that isn't required uniform - tell me why you wear it?
6. Why Chuck Norris? Why not Bruce Lee? Or Clint Eastwood? Or Danger Mouse?
7. Why is there No Child Left Behind? Yep, I said it. I am in love with exposing education to all and bringing them to a passion for learning, but I am aware that not all children are the same. Only one person wins the Boston Marathon. One. Only 3 people medal in an event in the Olympics - 3. It is a part of life. I cannot build a rocket or change my oil. I cannot sew a stitch or remember all the metric system conversions. But there are those who can. It is ok that they are different from me and have strengths unlike me.
8. Why do we complicate the English language and with such absurd rules? I before E except after C; silent E; Oo, ew, ou can all sound the same and different; Read and Read are the same but different. It is all the more highlighted when doing spelling words with your child and trying to explain patterns. Never thought I would reduce myself to saying, "It just is. I don't know why?"
9. How many more flavors of Mountain Dew can there be?
10. RFDTV?
11. How fast will the progression of tolerance of inappropriate things in social media and entertainment industry continue to spiral?
12. Why do there have to be erectile dysfunction commercials during the middle of programs that could be family oriented? Thanks broadcasting companies for creating those family fun talks.
13. God, why roaches? And why are they so indestructible?
14. God, how come we can't kill mold? Please, I need some help with that.
15. God, did you intend for us to travel off of the planet that you designed just for us? I know that you have allowed it. However, we are creatures of selfish desire and what we have is never enough. Can't help but admit space exploration is amazing to me, but are we pushing it?
16. Allergies? Come on? Is that really necessary?
17. God, How many times do you laugh at me a day?
18. Are there animals that you made that you allowed to become extinct because you were done with that entertainment? Or is most of it our fault? And there are some out there that I cannot wait hear about your intention with that created thing?
More another day…
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