Friday, February 28, 2014

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes

“…Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.” Romans 12:17

When we were children in Sunday School we would always sing the wonderful song, "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes." And though I just sang it when I was a child, I really get it now. It really should probably be sang by adults more than children.

Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
For the father up above,
Is looking down in love.
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.

Oh, be careful little ears what you hear.

Oh, be careful little mouth what you say.

Oh, be careful little hands what you do.

Oh, be careful little feet where you go.

Any of those difficult for you to confess? Let me help you think through them.

Food - Things that you long for comfort or for spoiling. Things that can cause you to stumble or be a stumbling block for others. Do you love to eat when you are down and depressed? For me, it depends on what caused the emotion. How about spoilage? Would you rather have a well prepared meal by someone else that is $20/plate rather than your own work?

Possessions - Coveting is dangerous and deadly, because we do not realize it has consumed us until we are in trouble. Have you bought a car you cannot afford, but you had to have it? Clothing or accessories justified for "work"? Electronics that are collecting dust because you don't have enough time to use them all? House? Boat? RV? Vacation Home? Vacation? Furniture? Dishes? Appliances? Cell phone package? Cell phone?

Sex - Also coveting, but it is of a different nature. Men and women are built very differently. Yet, there is one thing that is not different -they both HAVE needs and desires. For men, visual stimuli trigger the awareness of this desire/need. Women see relationships in movie, books, or even in other couples that begin to have a stirring within them awakening the need to have "that type" of relationship. If your eyes are presented an option, than that leads to contemplation of how you can obtain the satisfaction of meeting the need.

Movies & TV - When we watch enough of material that is over the line or on the line, we tend to have our own blurring of the line. When you immerse yourself in a world of gray matter, you eventually become a darker shade of gray rather than a cleaner shade of white.

Music - Garbage in; garbage out.
Jokes - Garbage in; garbage out.
Movies & TV - Garbage in; garbage out.

Your mouth is truly the most impacting strength you possess. It can make or break the confidence and future of a multitude, for what you say to one can, and often will, cause a ripple effect. If you allow negativity to spew, it spawns cynicism and hate. This attitude can suffocate a home. Are you too comical? Are you too serious? Are you too critical? Your mouth can also offer healing words. Your words can encourage. Your words can inspire. Your words can bring peace. Your words can resolve conflict. Your words can change everything. EVERYTHING.

Building for the needy.
Baking for the hungry.
Writing for the lonely.
Hugging for the weary.
Carrying for the weak.
Directing for the lost.

Where you go, people will follow. It is true. They may not follow with their feet, but they are following with their thoughts. Anywhere you choose to go is effective in your influence. I am not just talking about mission trips versus strip clubs. Shopping. Establishments. Leisure activities. Schools. Days you sacrifice for these extra events. Where you choose to not go is important. Are you unwilling to serve? Willing to be among the least of these? To be uncomfortable? Or dirty? or tired?

Here is one not mentioned in the song:

Mind - what you think. The world may be oblivious to your thoughts, but He is not.

Now that you are all having a panic attack right along with me, just remember that where you were yesterday is not where you have to be today. We are created by a forgiving Creator who has given us the ability to choose. That is the last part of the song that we forget.

For the Father up above
Is looking down in LOVE

He loves us even when we choose wrong. He loves us as we are learning to choose right. His desire is that we choose to honor him, but we must choose.


Mama B said...

Ouch- my toes!! Thanks Jodi, sometimes we need an actual 'list' to notice areas we may need to work on.

CandiandChips said...

Ouch is right! Thanks Jodi!