Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Can you hear it? I do! It is the transformation of the beloved ALA - BAMA cheer that is a resonating sound in Bryant-Deny stadium. It is the transformation of a program under an EXTREMELY well-paid individual. Welcom Nick Saban! Welcome back to college ball, where players play for you because they want to please you and not endorsements. Welcome back to the SEC, where there is no great competition and no greater tension between conference members. And yet, there is no greater comraderie as we all respect the standard that each aspires for in order to be affiliated with such excellence. Heck, even Vanderbilt has been trying lately and did you all take note that KENTUCKY WENT TO A BOWL THIS YEAR! Yeah, SEC BABY! Welcome to Dixie! It is the heartbeat of America. It is the greatest tradition in all of football. It brings about the best trash talking and purest Southern charm blended into one pot. You tasted it at LSU and knew you had walked too soon. Now you are back and we are ready to see you work. I am pumped! Roll Tide BABY! Ramma Jamma

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