Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Who'd We See Part 3: Grandy

After our visit to Gadsden, we were able to join up with Jeremy's mother in Anniston, Alabama and celebrate a Christmas visit as well. All were happy to have some Outback, but I must testify that our service was not exactly the best. I am a product of the food services industry, therefore, I have the right to be critical. Emma took longer than usual to warm up to everyone. She did seem to be intrigued by Nicolas, Jeremy's brother though and spent a large part of the evening eying him from across the table. Grandy brought Nicolas over to visit and that was the aide needed to get Emma to release from her Mommy-grip.

Grandy (Cindy/Jeremy's Mom), Jeff, & Nicolas joined for an after dinner nightcap at the ever famous Starbucks where we stole a corner of the establishment to share in our own festivities. Grandy is a champion shopper and assists in decking Emma out in some of the most stylish of fashions. This year, since we are beginning to get hair, she even added matching bows for each outfit. I will post those pictures when she wears her new outfits to school. School clothes are show-off clothes. You moms out there know what I am talking about.

Grandy and Jeff also gave both Jeremy and Emma some of the most beautiful handcrafted pieces from Khazakistan. We will have to post that as well.

Jeremy and Jeff were able to talk fine cigars and football as Jeremy enjoyed the most gracious gift as tickets to see Auburn at the Cotton Bowl and Jeff received a stash of stogies from Jer.

This visit was also quite rushed, but as we have said before, there is never enough time. Thanks for making the trip to see us Shaner family! We love you.

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