Friday, February 14, 2014


Yep, it's that day. That time of year where we commercialize affection and adoration. That day where we overcharge the ever beautiful rose and we see the Hallmark Corporation revenue quadruple from the other days out of the year. That day where we give restaurants a full belly and provide Whitman's and Russell Stover the ability to only focus on one major product - the boxed chocolate. And the stuffed animal industry? When else can you sell a gazillion monkeys with their arms in shackles promoting imprisonment? Prisoner of your heart! It's a day where men stress because they do not have enough or do not have the "right" gift, so they overspend trying to make sure they win their lady's heart. Victoria Secret smiles at this holiday as well because we all know that spending over $100 on a garment that only you and one other person will see makes sense. We sell love.

Can you smell my sarcastic cynicism? I have never really liked this holiday. Sure, I went through a small (large) phase in my life where I was not a Valentine for anyone and sure it might have made me feel some type of insecurity at some point along the way. But really, I just have never liked the idea that we have to set aside a day to "love" each other. There are people in relationships now that this day stands out high and above the other 364 days a year (ok maybe 362 because of birthdays and Christmas). Why? Why do we make this such a big event? I will tell you why. It is because it awakens our neglect. It creates that sharp awareness that we may not have been so loving the other moments during the year. It guilts us into love because we were not committed all year long.

In our church, we define love as the radical commitment and advancement to the well-being of the other. It is not conditional. It is not temporal. Here's the big kicker: it is not limited to just one.

A new commandment I give to you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. - John 13:34-35

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above ourselves. Romans 12:10

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24

There are many more passages specifically stating that we are to love one another. However, we sometimes twist the "one another" to be the select few people we want to love because they are easy to love. Nope. Not what He said. One another = everyone. And last I checked, God was not in the business of promoting a holiday of love to spur His followers to love each other. He kinda told them to do this, um, all the time.

Merriam-Webster defines radical as very new and different from what is traditional and ordinary. You see, most of our challenges from scripture to love one another come from the New Testament. Bigger picture - the New Testament is new because Jesus came to make being a follower of God different from tradition.

We live in the New Testament side of scripture. That doesn't mean we drop the Old Testament. That is still the Word of God. However, we no longer operate under the same traditions.

So let's look at some examples at how you can love with the radical commitment to the advancement and well-being of the other today.

1. Love your significant other in their love language - even if it isn't your love language and you are not all that comfortable with that method. If you do not know their love language, maybe today is the day where you start observing them a little more thoroughly. Typically people love you in their love language. (gift giving, words of affirmation, physical touch, etc.)

2. Open your eyes. See the need of the people you cross paths with during the day. Actually tip the server at your dinner tonight what they are due, and maybe a little more to bless them. Even though they may not do a perfect job (and I am aware they do not all do so well - I can say that because I have worked in this industry), they are still trying to support themselves and perhaps some other dependents. Maybe your "Love" will spur them on to "love" and good deeds.

3. Speak words of encouragement to your fellow employees and or peers. Are you complaining about your job or being the spark of hope for those who are laboring with you. Ouch! If you cannot speak words of positive joy about the labor, than be their comic relief. Or be their light who tells them what they are doing well when a supervisor does not. Or just remind them they are not among the unemployed. There is always something positive to just have to dig deep.

4. Perform housekeeping for a family member or friend in need. Someone who just had surgery. Someone who is homebound. Someone who is just struggling and needs to see Jesus in the action of others and not just hear preaching.

5. Bless a stranger. Buy a valentine for someone you don't know and ask God to tell you who to hand it to. Maybe even the next person you pass in the parking lot.

6. Neglect a chore to cuddle more. Don't miss time with your kids. They will remember it.

7. Pay a bill or for a meal or buy someone's groceries or just give.

8. Listen. Sometimes people start a conversation with you on a surface level simply testing the waters to see if you are capable of merely listening to their heart.

9. Write a prayer and mail it to your person that God has placed on your heart.

10. Ask God to reveal to you the best use of your time and money. When I go shopping sometimes I actually restrain myself by self-talk. Yes, I talk to myself and yes, I answer. Really God answers, but I flesh it out with Him. When you find that new item to buy for yourself or for your home, ask Him if this is an allowable use of the money He has given to you. If not, what would he have you spend that money on? Yes, I promise, He will sometimes let you buy something new. Just make sure He has not made you aware of a need that you have neglected.

If you have other great ideas for "love", then comment and allow others to share in your inspiration. I pray your day is filled with advancement and that someone puts your well-being ahead of their own. May I remind you, someone did. His name is Jesus Christ. I love you and that is one of the reasons why I write. Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Toe stepper. ;)