Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My brother and I have been excellent students all throughout our academic career. We both were blessed with the ability to write and to communicate our thoughts on paper. We both can give credit to similar educators as I followed him through the same educational institutions that instilled in us the framework to create written messages. Yes, this is a great trait that we both have in common. Coinciding with this great gift is also our amazing ability to wait until the very last minute to finish, or even begin something. I will never forget my freshman year in college I had this huge 10 page paper due on Machiavelli. This was my first semester and an intimidating professor. The super cool thing about this assignment was that I could submit it via email; something I had never been able to do before. So because there was an option to submit this assignment electronically, we had until midnight.

Of course, you know where this is going. At 11:15pm the evening that my assignment was due, I completed the paper. Whew, right? Nope, not yet. I begin to run spell check (Thank you God for spell check). During this process, my computer crashed. I had saved NOTHING! So, through tears and hyperventilating, I called my computer savvy brother and fellow procrastinator to help me. Through the grace of God, Jason walked me through rebooting my computer and recovering my paper. I submitted it at 11:57pm. After that fiasco, one would assume that I have improved upon my delay of completion of tasks. Some, but I am still a work in progress.

In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul is continuing in his loving correction and parenting of the church in Corinth. During this passage he is speaking to them concerning giving. In the midst of his very detailed explanation of where giving should be from, he calls them out on talking the talk, but not walking the walk. As many people today, they are not meaning to be unclear in their demonstration of their faith, but they are also not carrying out some important acts that are necessary in expressing to God and to others their love for Him and their true commitment to this newfound faith.

"And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter. Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so. Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means." 2 Corinthians 8: 10-11.

This passage pierced my heart today as I have had many a good idea, but never been able to completely follow through. My house is a house of unfinished projects. I long to find completion in something as the unfinished business around me leaves me with sleepless nights. As I wrestle with this very clear message, I am aware that my energy and time must be focused on and reflective of my priorities. Today is a day where I seek to begin to improve upon previous behavior that is not matched by my eagerness.

Oh God, may I have the time and the energy and the wits about me to prioritize and begin to clean off my desk. In so doing, Father, I know that you will then make the direction of my path more clear. In so doing, You will allow me peace. In so doing, my heart will be at rest. In so doing, I will have more time for the relationships of which you have blessed me. In so doing, I will see Your glory all the more clearly. Thank you for the clarity of your word.

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