Tuesday, July 02, 2013

An Idea

There are ideas that run through my head constantly of activities and adventures that would be exciting for our family, or just myself to experience. Then there are the ideas that are not just a fleeting moment. They permeate my being and resurface consistently as if they will not be satisfied until I make the idea a reality. You and I both know those types of creative thoughts that are almost what you would call a dream that you one day hope to fulfill...an item on your bucket list, so to speak. But the item, the idea, of which I am referring has a different kind of grasp upon me. It doesn't just flit about in my head from time to time as something that gets me giddy, like paying off a loan, or traveling to Ireland. It robs me of sleep. It robs me of productivity at times. It is in my conversations, my choices, my motives for my actions.

An idea of this caliber is not of me. We both know that. It is a leading of the Holy Spirit. When the Lord impresses upon your heart "an idea," it is not something that He wishes for you to simply think about. There is action and responding that the Almighty is expecting. What is even more compelling is when you find that this idea that has been within your soul since childhood is shared by someone with whom you are closest. Coincidental? No, rather Divine Interventional. God has a plan for each of us before we gasp for that first breath of life. This plan is not just to exist on this earth for a set amount of time and then one day be united with Him again. There are purposeful interactions and relationships He places in our pathway with a great desire to see us glorify Him with these encounters. The people that are in your life are largely of your choosing - you choose your peer group, you choose your job (therefore, coworkers), you choose your mate (therefore, inlaws). However, the way in which you develop your relationships and utilize your interaction with these people is crucial. Your time with them is limited in the greater picture, so God yearns for you to do everything you can to point these people to Him. Even if they already have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe, you are to spur them on to a better relationship and cautiously monitor as to whether they are growing and you are growing in His Word.

When I expressed my idea with the closest person in my life, one with whom I chose to spend my earthly forever, I was moved by my Heavenly Father. For this person with whom I spend the majority of my days, with whom I share many responsibilities, with whom I share many similar relationships, with whom I share Spiritual growth and accountability...this person shared my idea! God placed upon both of our hearts the same "idea". God placed upon our hearts the same calling! God placed upon our hearts the same desire. Oh if that doesn't make your heart smile, I don't know what can. You see, to hear from the Lord is a moving experience in and of itself. To know that the Lord over all wants to speak to you personally brings me to my knees. Yet to know that He not only has a job for me to do, He is going to provide me someone to go about accomplishing this task with me is even more humbling.

Over 25 years ago, God impressed upon me that I will grow a family providing refuge for those who struggle to find it for themselves. I knew that one day this would become more concrete for me as I developed my career and family in adulthood. For a decade now I have committed myself to love my students - ALL OF THEM - as if they were my own and it can be easily justified that this is what the Lord was meaning by my mothering being extended to those of all walks of life. I am a fairly decent teacher and an even better counselor who loves to be real with my students demonstrating God's grace and love to them. I praise God daily that He has equipped me with these abilities. Yet this is not the extent of the calling of which I received.

Over 15 years ago, I met my husband. During our courtship, during the very time we were seeking to understand each other and decipher as to whether we were compatible, I discovered the whisper that I was hearing was also being heard by him! Talk about a time of truly crawling up in God's lap and begging clarity! I didn't want to say He is the one because of this shared desire, but truthfully, God had confirmed that to me long before this conversation. So after 12 years of marriage, Jeremy Powell and I are now committed to fulfilling this calling upon our hearts that was placed upon us individually before we even met. And now we wish to share it with you so that you will join us in prayer and fundraising as we seek to accomplish this calling.

After being blessed with two beautiful princesses who have each already joined not only our earthly family, but also our spiritual eternal family, we are moving forward with the very clear calling of our Lord to add to our family through adoption. We have known this time would come, it is just a matter of when. We are currently in the very beginning phase of this process simply trying to save and raise money to accomplish this calling. We have kept this to ourselves for long enough and it is now time to ask you to join us in the very important task of expanding our family so that one more can be exposed to God's love in and through our home. We are in agreement for international adoption and are excited about the opportunity that this will bring. However, we are paralyzed by the great expense this will present. I still do not understand why it is so expensive to take a child away from the financial burden of a government facility and place that child in my home under my financial responsibility. I mean really, I am doing that government a favor by giving them one less mouth to feed. Nevertheless, it is costly.

So I am sharing this with you to pray with us as we seek to shorten the days until we can bring this little one home. Pray with us as we are already praying for the mother that is carrying this child and having to decide to surrender custody. Pray that she is safe and able to provide herself with proper nutrients so that our child is healthy. Pray for the orphanage that will house our child prior to our blessed union. Pray for the facilities to provide warmth and shelter and proper nutrients. Pray for the caregivers to be loving and patient and competent. Pray for our girls as they are preparing to add another person to our home. Pray for us as we take into account one more to feed, one more to involve in extracurricular activities, one more to pay for college. Pray for God to reveal to us proper fundraising ideas. Pray for Jeremy's health to remain more than excellent as we progress through this very challenging experience. Pray for our adoption agency as they guide us and advise us.

I have developed a few fundraisers that I will be posting in the next few days, so if you will check back on the blog in a few days you can seek ways to help us. If you simply want to help by an encouraging word or a financial donation for our little one, than you can send us a note to:

Jeremy & Jodi Powell
P.O. Box 221
Hayden, AL 35079

Thank you in advance for praying for us and our "idea". We are excited about the little one that God is going to place in our hearts and I will share with you a secret. I have already seen this baby's face! I can't wait to meet them face-to-face! Isn't that neat! God is good!

1 comment:

SuzyQ said...

What an amazing and exciting journey you guys are on! You can count on the Cunninghams for prayer support. My sister-in-law's best friend did a huge fundraising event for her adoption and was able to raise all of the money needed in one evening! If you would like, I can put you in contact with her. I am sure she would love to tell you all she did to make it happen. She lives in Mansfield. Just let me know, and I will get you her info. Blessings on you all!