Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I am elated and ecstatic about the information I am about to reveal to you my friends. We have had so many amazing things happen with our child. She has progressed along the developmental stages so much more rapidly than I could have imagined, and quite frankly really wanted. It has been too fast flashing before me and then over. Since about 6 months of age, Emma has been uttering sylables that to you and me, make some coherant sense. For example, her technical first word was Mama, which she said over and over and over again. However, to this day, I don't really know if she has made that connection with who the heck Mama is. She has also uttered Dada and even Nana, but again she doesn't know what it is. We can get her to repeat them sometimes, but not all the time. Most of the time she speaks them of her own free will.

Last night Jeremy and I returned to our home from a lovely evening out. Unfortunately when we returned we were a smidge too loud as we recanted our evening with our dear friends the DeHarts who were kind enough to watch our child for the evening. As a result, it awakened our child. I laid back down with her to try to get her back to sleep and she was wide awake and ready to play. I kept telling her in a peaceful quiet tone that it was "time to go night-night."

Much to my amazement, I watched her play with forming her mouth and moving her tongue for a few minutes as she was trying to mimic me. SHE DID! Jeremy and I both got to hear her repeat after me "NIGHT - NIGHT." She said it 4 times.

That is by far my greatest Christmas gift! I struggle often with missing out on things as she progresses because I work. The Lord has truly been faithful to allow me to experience just about everything myself first (rolling over, crawling, pulling up, giggling, and now speaking). I am in Heaven! She is the best!

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